The name GetFamilyar meaning “The family getting together” was created by the show’s host and project leader Mikel Ameen (artist), which quickly became a household name amongst young people across London. ACDF from its inception believed that young people have natural inbuilt gifts of art that needs to be nurtured and harness in a positive, productive environment. Such was the success of the Getfamilyar project that the project is presently providing workshop-based training programme amongst young people who are classified NEET throughout London and other parts of the UK and have continued to play a fundamental role in changing the direction and lives of young people right across the UK.
GetFamilyar Project: GETFAMILYAR: “Arts, culture and performing arts are the heart beats of every nation.” ACDF in its effort to develop the skills and confidence of up and coming young artiste, set up in 2008 the Getfamilyar Project as a strategic approach to engaging young people and facilitating their community involvement through Visual Arts and Performing Arts and provides a platform for them to occupy their spare time productively and creatively.
We are accountable to our participants, families, community, donors & other stakeholders.
We always ensure that integrity is the foundation of all our individual & collective actions
We believe all people have inherent value (regardless of culture, belief, personal abilities etc.)
Promoting and providing charitable activities for the benefit of the community